New Categories & New Designs

10 June 2019  |  Admin

                  POPPY 1                                   FLOWER 6                                   FLOWER 7

Now we are very familiar with all the designs in our design library, we decided that it was time to re-organise the categories to help you find just the right design for your purpose.
We have split out some categories - so Flora and Fauna have become 3 categories: FLowers & Foliage, Animals & Insects, Birds & Feathers. We have new categories such as Letters & Numbers as so many of you love text, which leaves texture as a category on its own.
We also have some old favourites that we have loved as screens - x-cross, seeds 1 - that we have put back in to the categories, together with some new flower designs.
Whislt we were doing all the work with the categories, we found a lot of designs had not been assigned a category so there may be designs that you have never found because they were only ever found under the banner of 'all products', and we have rationalised some of the anomalies of labelling so now everything is labelled with a number rather than a letter. So Bee A has become Bee 1. So if you do a search and cant find your favourite design, dont worry it will still be there - knock off the letter at the end and the search button will find it!

              DRY BRUSH 2                                    SUNBURST 1                                            SEEDS 1