Photo/Greyscale Custom Screens Page - Finally!

31 May 2019  |  Admin

After discovering that our new thermal print system can produce beautiful greyscale prints, it took us a while to work out how best to offer this opportunity to our clients.
To give the best result, the print is done on a finer 120 mesh (our existing prints are done on a 70 mesh) and necessitates some extra settings and art work to ensure that the resulting print is not too dark. 
So it has taken us a while to get this on to the website, but finally we have. If you click on Custom Screens, either on the home page icon, or from the menu bar, you will get a choice of custom screens black & white - our normal screens, or custom screens photo/greyscale - our new screens.
We are hoping also to introduce some greyscale images to our Design Library - watch this space.
We hope you enjoy this new addition to Thermofax Screens - soon to be rebranded as screens4printing!